A Two -Partner exhibition “Paper, Table, Wall and After, and RE-fold” by Northumbria University, UK



“Paper, Table, Wall and After, and RE-fold” is a two partner exhibition organised by Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, which took place from 30 November – 6 December 2015 at NTUA’s International Exhibition Hall. The opening messages were delivered by Principal of NTUA, Dr Chih Cheng Chen, followed by Director of Yo- Chung Art Museum, Dr Chun Lan Liu and also Director of Paper Studio Northumbria, Siân Bowen, signalling a new relation in terms of international cooperation concerned with visual arts practice, research, and teaching and learning between both universities. From Northumbria University, this launch was represented by Siân Bowen, Qiao An Yuan, Joanna Hutton, Dr Chun Chao Chiu, alumni of NTUA, as well as visiting professor, Shen Zhao from Jilin Academy of Fine Arts, China. This exhibition hosts a total of 53 works from artists, in which all participants worked on a paper that could be folded to the size of an Ordnance and Survey map. The remit was to make a work which could be folded and unfolded and through which visual information might be hidden or revealed, attempting to search for the “autobiography of the paper”, the passage of these paper-based artworks across the hall and gallery walls can lead to an unknown ‘after’, a contingent world only tentatively related to the immediate concerns of viewing an exhibition. While the inclusion of RE-fold will underline the provisional character of the exhibition, guiding viewers to draw uncertain boundaries between before and after, between the impact of one group of artists works on another, and between the different stages of a changing exhibition idea.